Early Morning Fire at Ordnance Bay Contained: National Parks Authority Extends Well Wishes to Occupant of the Vessel
November 25, 2023
National Parks Authority Commemorates the 8th of March Project: Say Their Names
March 4, 2024February 28, 2024, Antigua and Barbuda: Antigua and Barbuda’s National Parks Authority calls for heightened vigilance and community engagement in preserving the cleanliness and beauty of our environment. The recent surge in illegal dumping in the Cobbs and Falmouth area threatens the hard-won progress achieved through months of dedicated clean-up efforts by the Authority.
Recognizing the intrinsic value of a pristine environment and the importance of national pride in its preservation, the National Parks Authority, launched a concerted clean-up campaign, which has been ongoing for several months. This initiative not only aims to beautify our surroundings but also to cultivate a collective sense of responsibility towards our natural environment.
The Honourable E. P. Chet Greene, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, Trade, & Barbuda Affairs, and Parliamentary Representative of the St. Paul constituency with direct responsibility for the National Parks Authority, emphasized the significance of environmental stewardship, stating, “Preserving and respecting our environment is a shared national endeavor. The designation of a UNESCO World Heritage Site underscores the global importance of our efforts in all areas of preservation within the National Park. It is imperative that we embed a culture of environmental care and national pride in our collective consciousness.”
The National Parks Authority urges all residents to actively participate in maintaining cleanliness and to promptly report any instances of illegal dumping. Residents are also urged to diligently follow the designated garbage collection schedule, ensuring timely disposal on the allocated days and times. By fostering a culture of environmental responsibility and civic engagement, we can safeguard our island’s natural treasures for generations to come.
ABOUT The National Parks Authority
The National Parks Authority (NPA) is a statutory corporation constituted under the National Parks Act, Cap. 290 (1984), of the Laws of Antigua and Barbuda. The Act mandates that the NPA is self-financing and operates as a not-for-profit organization in order to preserve, protect, manage, and develop the natural environment, heritage, architecture, and culture of Nelson’s Dockyard National Park. Since 2016, the historical core, the Georgian era Royal Navy Dockyard, and surrounding British military sites have been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in recognition of the long and successful stewardship and management of the NPA.